Harvest Update
We shared in the last newsletter that New Life has several acres of land that are being used to harvest peppers, tomatoes, avocados, and pawpaw. The tomatoes and peppers that have been harvested so far will be bringing in roughly $400/week for 6 months. About 1/2 of the revenue is spent towards production at this point. The first harvest being most costly due to putting the systems (irrigation pipes, fence, laborers) in place. Subsequent harvests should net more due to increasing growth and lower operating costs. It is possible to have 2 growing seasons/harvests per year because they have the irrigation system for water during the dry season. At this time, people are buying in bulk from them and then reselling in retail.

Praise Report
Earlier this year Pastor Glorious shared with us three urgent needs/projects that have been started but needed funding to complete. A fence project, new dormitories, and a primary school wall were three major projects that needed financial support. When we heard about these projects, how necessary they were, and the ways it will further the growth and sustainability of the school, we were excited to be able to help fund these projects with money that was donated through a special gift. We give thanks to God for his provision! The completed wall will provide security and safety for students and staff. The new dormitories will provide extra space for more beds and will the reduce costs of renting off campus, and the fence around the farm help keep thieves and animals away which as a result will help increase the yield of the vegetables and food for the students. Please be in prayer for these projects as they are now approaching completion. Please pray for the workers to be diligent and trustworthy and the projects to be a blessing to and to fulfill the needs of the school and the children. Once again, we thank you for your faithfulness in obeying God though your generous giving.
Future Projects
With the goal of becoming more self-sustaining, the school is looking to start two new projects, a chicken farm and a bakery. These projects will provide food and income through production and sale of eggs and bakery goods. We will be presenting more details on the specifics of these projects in the coming weeks. We will be posting updates for these projects on our blog and social media accounts. Please join us in prayer as we seek God for wisdom, the right people to partner with, and funding for these future projects
Education Partnership with US Educators
Are you an educator with a passion for life-changing teaching experiences and learning with other cultures? New Life Foundation for Children is delighted to introduce you to our Educational Partnership! This cross-cultural transformative field study opportunity will expand you as an educator, giving you new eyes for the classroom. Our pilot program will allow you to experience education in the Tanzanian classroom as well as impart your knowledge of education from your homeland. Will you help us make this dream, which originated with Pastor Glorious, co-founder of New Life become a reality? We are currently seeking educators with a heart for Christ and passion for teaching to join us in this epic opportunity. Visit our website: www.newlifeif.org today for more information today!

2021 Q1 Financial Report
During the first quarter of 2021, we were able to transfer and provide direct financial support to New Life Foundation school in the amount of $24,450. This was in part regular sponsor and donor gifts toward student and staff expenses (“sponsorship”), and special project gifts. New Life Foundation used $14,112 for student support and $10,338 for special projects. We are thankful to continue to send the vast majority of donations received directly to the school. Several additional special projects are being funded through a generous special donation which will help the school become increasingly self-sustaining in terms of its food requirements and the ability to raise its own operating capital. The regular student sponsorship donations remain a critical piece of our ability to help the school. We encourage all to continue these donations and thank you for your faithful partnership in this ministry.

Walter Becomes Amazon Publisher
Walter is a former student of Fountain of Hope (2008-2012) who earlier this year wrote a short biography on the life of Sir Isaac Newton. Walter or “Scientist” as most of his classmates know him, enjoyed reading the history of how most of the formulas used in physics and mathematics came into existence. He loved reading the struggle behind hard work put in by famous scientists of the 16th and 17th century with more interest on Newton and Galileo. In his book, “Genius”, he uses simple explanations and pictures making the book readable and exciting for any casual reader with serious interest in Newton’s life and work. While most science students will appreciate the writer’s focus on theories (laws of gravity, calculus and laws of motion) and work (Prism), it’s Newton’s relationship with his mother and sister that will connect with most secondary students in east and central Africa. This is because most science students choose to study science with the goal of solving problems faced by their families and communities.

Walter is now a metallurgy engineer graduate from University of Dar es Salaam. He lives with his mom in Moshi, Kilimanjaro. Walter is a huge fan of Messi and in his spare time enjoys reading about quantum theory and M theory.
Here is a link, Genius: An Isaac Newton Story”
I asked Walter to share a story of his writing experience. Here’s what he had to say:
“On 13th March 2021, I became a published author on Amazon Kindle. Here is my story:
Like most people during this pandemic, I thought I’d indulge my interests. So, August last year I started a physics website. The idea was just to have a personal weblog that I can pass time with and write my thoughts on some of my favorite physics topics. I thought, “If I can’t work, maybe I can write”. I published a story-based article about how Isaac Newton came to realize gravity while sheltering at home during the Bubonic Plague. It seemed like a perfect article during a lockdown period. As I kept revisiting, editing and adding on my post. I realized my post is evolving to something else. My book “Genius: An Isaac Newton Story” is a product of that evolution.
As you probably already know, I’m from Tanzania, a country on the eastern part of Africa. It’s hard to find a blogger around here, even harder to find is a published author, and it’s almost impossible to find a self-published author on Kindle (or other similar platforms). So starting a physics blog, writing a book, and self-publishing it on Amazon all in a span of 6 months was a giant leap for me. This pandemic has helped bring forth my creativity and rekindled my imagination; I never thought that one day I would become a published author myself.
Unfortunately, folks here in Tanzania do not read e-books. Well, generally we don’t really read books very much, but e-books? “What are those?” “Is it PDF?” “What’s the difference?” This is what my friends kept asking me when I told them I had just published an “e-book”. Anyway, I got very good feedback once I freely shared the PDF to them. If you would like to read my book, (I suppose folks read e-books where you come from) you can read free with Kindle Unlimited. If you can’t read it, just share it with someone who would enjoy a short flick about how Isaac Newton discovered gravity in a parallel universe. (Yes! I threw quantum physics into the mix). It’s worth your time, I promise.

New President and Changes in COVID-19 Policy
As previously reported, the Tanzanian government stopped releasing any data regarding Covid 19 cases since April 29, 2020. However, the new president is taking a new approach to combat the pandemic. She formed a technical committee to advise her about the scope of infections and how to respond to the pandemic. All flights to and from India have been cancelled, and there is a 14 day quarantine for any traveler from India or having traveled through India.
The school is fully opened and there have not been any Covid-19 cases from students and staff. Social distancing and washing of hands are encouraged in efforts to make school a safe campus in Moshi.
On March 17th, Tanzania lost its fifth president who had been in office for six years. He was re-elected for the second term last October. John Magufuli, age 61, died from the heart disease that had plagued him for a decade. “Dear Tanzanians, it is sad to announce that today 17 March 2021 around 6 p.m. we lost our brave leader, President John Magufuli who died from heart disease at Mzena hospital in Dar es Salaam where he was getting treatment,” Vice President said on state broadcaster. Let’s continue to pray for Tanzania as they go through difficult times and wisdom for Vice President who now becomes the first female president of the country.

Thank you
We want to thank you for your continuous giving and prayers towards what God is doing in Moshi, Tanzania. Your generous gifts especially during these trying times means a lot to us representative and even more to teachers, care-givers and the entire leadership of New Life Foundation in Moshi.
New Life International Foundation for Children
3519 NE 15th Ave. #332
Portland, OR 97212
Website: http://www.newlifeif.org
E-mail: info@newlifeif.org
Hello Victor: I recently found out that you are writing newsletters about NLF. My name is Carolyn Bitner- I was one of 11 from a team that came to Moshi in June of 2014 - along with our loving friend Corrine Anton. You were a young boy there then & I took your picture as you were the only musician playing a drum on our last day & it was a birthday party for Corrine. Do you remember? I am so happy for your success at ORB. Thank you for keeping us informed as we read of happenings at NLF. I remember you told me your name was Victor Rodrick Mavika & that you had expressed an interest to …