Why Sponsor a Child?
Glory Christmas
16 Years Old - Form 3
Students experience Christ's love for them by living in a Christ-centered community. At New Life Foundation, teachers and caregivers serve as mentors, modeling a Kingdom purposed life which honors Christ. The powerful effects of seeing Christ exemplified through staff, and other students, is life-changing for each child in unique ways. Our students at New Life Foundation are called to live to a higher standard.
2013 Graduate
Students gain a rich understanding of God's purpose for their life by learning God’s Word through Biblical classes, participating in weekly student-led praise & worship services, and interceding for others through corporate prayer and fasting. This provides hope for each child as many have come from extreme trauma based backgrounds including, but not limited to: poverty, becoming orphaned, or caring for one or multiple chronically-ill family members.
Student's essential needs are provided for on a daily basis. Sponsoring a child provides physical, academic, and spiritual nourishment. Children at New Life Foundation receive:
3 Meals a Day
Same Gender Dorm Room Housing
Uniforms & Shoes
Challenging Academic Instruction
Challenging Biblical Instruction
Opportunities to Serve & Share Christ's Love with the Local Community​
For some New Life students, having the above essential needs met is more than their home-life could provide.